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Closing the global justice gap through legal empowerment

Access to justice is a fundamental human right. But two-thirds of the global population live without it.



live in extreme conditions of injustice.



have an unresolved justice problem.



are excluded from opportunities the law provides.

The Legal Empowerment Fund (LEF) offers flexible funding and strategic support to the growing legal empowerment movement, enabling communities to know, use, and shape the law. Through legal empowerment strategies like advocacy, education, and litigation, communities supported by the LEF are building a world where everyone has access to justice.

Our partners

The Fund for Global Human Rights logo
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation logo - a Legal Empowerment Fund partner
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation logo - a Legal Empowerment Fund partner
Namati logo - a Legal Empowerment Fund partner

Stories and Updates

Read updates from the field of legal empowerment, insights from our staff, and inspiring stories about activists standing up for what’s right.
